• A-Level经济的4大得分点总结,帮助大家考试拿高分!
    • 天王星在转动
    • 2020-03-06 08:17:48

  • 摘要:A-Level经济考试既是考核学科知识,也是考察学生的考试能力,学通国际教育今天给大家介绍的就是exam-smart tips,帮助大家考试拿高分!Tip 1-事件的影响纵观整个经济大纲,经常会要求学生评估事件对某一事物的影响。

    • Alevel课程是英国全民高中的体系课程,是普通中等教育高级水平证书的考试。Alevel的考试是英联邦国家的国家考试,同时也被中国的教育专家称为“最适合中国学生”的国际高考课程。它有70几种课程供学生选择,中国学生只要选择3-4门科目就读参加Alevel的高考。因为中国的学生在数学学科的基础优于国外的学生,数学功底好的学生可以选择两门数学、另加一门其他自己擅长的课程,参加考试后获得优异成绩,就可以申请世界一流的大学,十分适合中国偏科的学生。Alevel课程的评估体系是以国际等级评分体系,如高考能够3门达到A或A+,就可以录取牛津剑桥等世界一流大学。

      A-Level经济考试既是考核学科知识,也是考察学生的考试能力,学通国际教育今天给大家介绍的就是exam-smart tips,帮助大家考试拿高分!

      Tip 1-事件的影响



      Tip 2-集中精力于经济分析



      Theory of CA包含很有价值的经济分析,学生应该解释它的假想条件,比较机会成本比率,得出贸易可以获得什么。

      Material SOL要求具体的经济分析,包括实际GCP与名义上的GDP数字、收入分配、按PPP计算的GDP。

      Tip 3-合理性检查

      非常有用,但也经常被忽视的一点。意思就是看一下自己的topic sentences,是否用最直接的方式回答了问题。有时候,我们有些段落可能是用来介绍背景信息但却没有直接回答问题。


      Explain why the price of fuel tends to be more volatile than other secondary products. (10m)

      Topic Sentence (Version 1): The PED of fuel is affected by a number of factors, including its degree of necessity. Supply of fuel is also affected by a number of different factors.

      Topic Sentence (Version 2): Demand for fuel is price-inelastic due to its nature as a necessity. Supply may also fluctuate given unstable conditions in theMiddle East, a major oil producing region. An unstable supply curve coupled with an inelastic demand curve would lead to wide and frequent fluctuations in price.

      Tip 4-记住内容







      比方说遇到“Differentiate between internal and external economies of scale (10m)”这样的问题,根据DDEE原则就能立马想出essay结构:

      Definition: Internal EOS are reaped due to growth of the firm while external EOS are independent of firm size and are attributed to growth of the industry.

      Diagram: Internal EOS is seen diagrammatically as a movement downwards along the long run average cost curve (LRAC) while external EOS manifests as a downward shift of the entire LRAC.

      Explanation / Examples: Sources of internal EOS include technical, marketing, financial or managerial economies. On the other hand, external EOS takes the form of economies of information, concentration or disintegration.